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Meditation Makeover
(Incense \& Beads Not Required)

Several years ago, Nancy Slomowitz was so fed up that she wanted to walk away from the highly successful and profitable corporation she had built. Her enterprise, Executive Management Associates, Inc. (EMA), has helped redesign the operations of major governmental agencies to eliminate wasteful practices, work more efficiently, and run more profitably. Although the work of the company was saving the U.S. Department of Transportation and others clients millions of dollars annually, the high stress atmosphere had exacted a heavy toll on the quality of life in the workplace. In response, Nancy came up with a novel and unorthodox solution, one seemingly counter-intuitive to the culture of high-powered business management consultants. Nancy told her staff that she was providing a new employee benefit and would pay the costs for anyone interested in learning Transcendental Meditation.

The film provides a portrait of Nancy and three of her co-workers who are highly driven Type A personalities and far from the "New Age" poster children that one might associate with a technology that originally grew out of Eastern spiritual traditions. Their twice daily, twenty-minute meditation periods soon produced tangible results, both in their professional and personal lives. The workplace environment soon grew from toxic to harmonious among many other positive changes. And surprisingly, the company's cost of healthcare insurance actually went down due to a reduction in sick claims. View the video here...
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